Stuart Little
Stuart Little is a shy, philosophical little mouse with a big heart and a taste for adventure. In spite of his diminutive stature, barely two inches tall, Stuart sets forth into the world with some mighty big plans: to ride a Fifth Avenue bus, to win a sailboat race in Central Park, and to teach school for a day. But Stuart's greatest adventure begins when he decides to find his best friend, Margalo, a pretty little bird who once lived in a Boston fern in the Littles' house in New York City. Climbing into his tiny car, Stuart hits the open road, sure he's heading in the right direction, only to find himself in for a big surprise.
-Summary from Bantam

In this study guide, you will find:

15 autocorrecting quizzes that build vocabulary and test comprehension.

Puzzles to reinforce spelling and vocabulary in a fun, easy format.

Bonus content includes in printable, pdf format: 3 Word Searches, 3 Word Scrambles, 3 Crossword Puzzles, an author profile worksheet to practice internet research, 2 original drawings for illustration, and a Venn Diagram activity to practice compare/contrast.

All bonus content comes with a teacher key for easy grading.

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